Ray Parker

Ray Parker

Posts from Ray Parker

6 Ways to Use Augmented Reality at Your Events

Events offer a great opportunity for businesses to promote their products and services. Those who avail the opportunity take the lead and out beat competitors. Nowadays, Augmented Reality has gained a massive hype, be it entertainment, healthcare, retail and marketing,....

Secret Sauce to Writing an Effective Event Planning Proposal

Successful event planning is all about delivering value in terms of time and monetary investment. Organizing a big event is not about seating arrangement, venue, and sponsorship. Successful event planning is all about delivering value in terms of time and....

5 Ways to Kill Event Stress

We acknowledge the fact that this era is jam-packed with pressures and extreme level of stress situations. This age never shows mercy to anyone, as it’s backed by an intense level of competition and everyone whether he wants or not,....

4 ways to Leverage Mobile Event Apps and Satisfy Attendees

It’s a common observation, that every business organization, organizes multiple events throughout the year. These events may be structured for different purposes, which may include: Product promotion Communicating new agendas Social issue awareness The reason why these events are given....

Ways to Drive Pre and Post Event Engagement

Every event planner knows the importance of attendee engagement both, before and after the event. It is said because they are the main asset of any event to be successful or a failure. We have compiled some basic ways through....

5 Tips To Encourage Attendees to Share Events on Social Media

Have you ever thought, what is the purpose of organizing an event? Of course, the main reason behind organizing an event is to create brand awareness of any particular company and make its positive image among its target audience. However,....