Ray Parker

Ray Parker

Posts from Ray Parker

Secret Sauce to Writing an Effective Event Planning Proposal

Successful event planning is all about delivering value in terms of time and monetary investment. Organizing a big event is not about seating arrangement, venue, and sponsorship. Successful event planning is all about delivering value in terms of time and....

5 Ways to Kill Event Stress

We acknowledge the fact that this era is jam-packed with pressures and extreme level of stress situations. This age never shows mercy to anyone, as it’s backed by an intense level of competition and everyone whether he wants or not,....

Why you should use YouTube and Instagram for Event Marketing?

Event planners, we all are aware of the importance level of social media in our daily lives. Every business whether it’s a small or big, everyone needs social media for promotion and advertisement purpose. So today team NVOLV thought that....

4 Practices that Aid in becoming a Better Event Manager

Event managers, it’s a sure-fire thing that we as human beings have a natural instinct to crave for improvement and success. Therefore we discern the fact that things are no different when they are concerned about you. As you are....

How to Promote an Event on LinkedIn? 5 Ways

Linkedin is the most popular and perhaps the only professional social media marketing platform.

6 Twitter Marketing tactics for events in 2017

From a long time now, social media has ascertained itself as a paramount source for running the most effective marketing and promotional campaigns.